Summer is over
Well, it's back to school. Back to school is always filled with mixed emotions: excitement to get the year going with a clean slate, anxiety for waiting to meet the students the first day and to find out who will be the "good" students and who will be the troublemakers, sadness for not being able to spend my entire day with Evan. But as I look back on this past summer, I can definitely say, I had a lot of fun. Probably more fun than any summer since I started teaching. We got to do so much: Disney World, Atlanta to see Kim, Jeff and the kids, to the beach to see Doug and his family, to New York to visit with Mom and Dad and attend an AP Summer Institute for AP Econ, and finally to the beach to see Carroll and Jim's wedding. (Oh yeah, I can't leave out Jim's bachelor party as a fun event too. How much of it do you remember Jim?)
Most summers, at least since Evan has been born, I would return to school feeling down that I didn't do anything exciting or eventful with Evan. That has definitely NOT been the case this summer! I am definitely going to miss spending all my time with Evan, but he is excited to be going back to school. He wants to play with all his friends there. Yes, I can play with him, but I can't play with him the same way other 4 years old can.
I am glad for the time we have together. But I am also glad that he can go and play and grow with other kids his age. I wonder what exciting things we will plan for next summer, his last before going to kindergarten!