
Today, I am watching the "Senior Assembly" on closed circuit TV in my classroom with 28 freshmen. I am listening to speeches by the seniors about reminiscing over the years of school. Looking at these freshmen who watch in anticipation... "What will our senior assembly be like? What words of wisdom will be given to us? Who will makes the speeches?" One day they will reminisce, but for now they look forward to it. Little do they realize what the future holds. Graduation is the end of the easy life and the beginning of a more complex, more difficult life. They can't wait, but for what? If I had those answers, I could be a rich man. But instead, all I can say about the future is simply the series of todays string together. Each day leads us to the future, by ignoring today we are rushing into the future, a future we can not control. Live today, be the best today, it will make for a great future.
As a teacher, I look ahead. I look at Evan, thirteen years from now. Yeah, thirteen years, a long time, but before we know it, it will be here. We will be (hopefully) watching Evan receive recognition for his accomplishments and then seeing him receive his diploma and move on to the next phase of his life. Will we be ready? Will he be ready? I don't know, but what I can be sure of, if we enjoy life one day at a time while preparing for the next, Evan's graduation will be here and we will be ready. Remember to enjoy each day as a gift. Everyday that I get to see the sun rise is a day to be thankful for, another gift to enjoy. And, as I was always told by Grandma Eleanor things are better whenever you share, sharing each day makes it even more enjoyable.
To the seniors everywhere today, enjoy life, one day at a time, and share it with others, it will make your life full and when it is time to look back, you will not have regrets, but instead will have friends to reminisce with.
Good Luck, you never know what tomorrow will bring, be prepared, some of it is good too!