
Ann Coulter. Author of books: Slander: Liberal Lies about the American Right, How to Talk to a Liberal (if You Must): The World according to Ann Coulter, and now Godless: The Church of Liberalism.
What is wrong with this person? I am so tired of this [fill in explitive here]. Does she not see what she is saying? Just the title of her book "Godless." First of all, think about it, sorry POLITICAL conservatives, you do not have a monopoly on Christianity, that was settled some 500 years ago with a little thing called the Protestant Reformation. Religion belongs to the people, ALL of them. Second, Jesus was, first and foremost, a SOCIAL LIBERAL! Everything I have learned about the subject was that he gave of himself for the benefit of others. How much? He sacrificed his life while the POLITICAL an SOCIAL conservatives sent him off to die. And why did he have to sacrifice himself? To save humanity from the debauchery of extravagance of the SOCIAL conservatives. So where these POLITICAL and SOCIAL conservatives come off claming liberals are Godless... get a clue.
Check out this article about her latest words of wisdom: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060610/ap_en_tv/quotable_coulter_7
PS: What's up with the Adam's Apple? I thought only guys had them? Just one of those "things that make you go 'hmmm.'"