The Price of Freedom... eternal vigilance.
Throughout history, people have had to protect themselves, first and foremost, from their own government. Our nation was founded on the principle of the citizen as soverign. The powers of government were divided among the three branches to protect against an abuse of power by one branch or another. Today, the republicans have taken another step toward breaking down these barriers by confirming Sam Alito to the Supreme Court.
Today's swearing in coincides with another tragic event, the passing of Coretta Scott King. After the death of her husband in 1968, Mrs. King carried on the wrk of her husband to end poverty, bring peace, and break down racial barriers. Her work included denouncing war and protected the rights of American citizens, regardless of their ethnicity.
But her passing reminds us that we must be vigilant to carry the banner of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King, to continue to fight to protect our rights. Alito has a record of deciding on the side of expanding presidential powers at the expense of personal liberties. Presently, the President has ordered and initiated the illegal wiretapping of American citizens telephone and the Justice Department continues to fight for access to Google's search records. This amounts to warrantless searches, a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.
As per the 1944 Supreme Court Case, Korematsu vs. United States, the premise is that in a time of war individual liberties may be curtailed. The right to privacy may be limited in the name of national safety. But the rules have changed. The adminstration admits that this is a differnt type of war. This is a war against a faceless foe. A war that could carry on in perpetuity. This is an Orwellian war, one that must continually be engaged to keep Americans safe. Without knowing specifically who the enemy is, assuming that terror will be ever present, this war will go on without end and likewise will the new restrictions on our personal liberties.
It is our responsibilities as citizens to demand our rights be protected. That, at the very least, the Constitution of the United States be upheld. Activism at all levels is at risk. Continued surveillance of private citizens will cause citizens to become more apathetic. The fear of being involved in what might be a group under surveillance will cause fewer people to be involved in activism. This may not sound like much, but if people were afraid to protest based on government intrusion, then what would have happened what Martin Luther King, Jr. marched on Washington? Would there have even been a crowd? The point is, people will be afraid to exercise their First Amendment rights if their Fourth Amendment protections are limited. As citizens of the Unied States, we have more than a responsibility, we have a duty to be watchdogs for our government. Write your representative and senator, let them know you stand for the Constitution and ALL its rights and protections - war or no war!
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