Hang it up! Please!

And what about their teams? (That's right, take a look at the word T-E-A-M, I still don't see the letter 'I') Analysts are predicting the SF Giants to win the west if Bonds can stay healthy. Hey! Wake up! Note to the Giants, he doesn't care if they win the division, all he wants is to pass Ruth on the HR list. Look Bonds, you said that you don't enjoy the game any more. Then why do something you don't enjoy? Are you just trying to prove to yourself that you can still hit homeruns? Look, most of the rest of us don't care if you can hit HRs any more because you are NOT steroid free, no matter what you say. I am going out n a limb here, if Bonds should be lucky enough to stay injury free to hit 10 more homeruns and pass Babe Ruth, he might retire there on the spot. One more question for you Barry, why not go for the all time record and break Hank Aaron's record? Surely you have 48 more in you? I have a guess, but I won't say, I am not as bigoted as you.
Ricky, good job. You have single handedly put the Miami Dolphins in the cellar, AGAIN. You are like the relative that the family counts on to bring the plates to the picnic and then doesn't show up. They need you, drug free! Ever since your departure, the team has been trying to rediscover its running game. Look, I'm no Dolphin fan, but you are making a mockery of the league.
So to Bonds and Williams, do your respective sports a favor, retire.
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